Tuesday, August 24, 2010

School Starts

Ah, yes, it's The first day of school. The roads will be even more active, as thousands of people will attempt to place their children into their school seats via planes, trains, and automobiles.  Thank God, we all succeed each day! That said, today is kind of bittersweet, as my baby boy, oh year, young man is starting his senior year in high school.  It was 19 years ago, that our first one was sent off to school.  Nancy, and I were kind of scared, as we watched him get on the bus, and take off.  Now he's working on his Master of Divinity at Asbury, and he's starting a new job today teaching middle school math.

The one starting his senior year, Grant, somehow over the summer turned into a young man.  It's incredible, that's all I can say.  Of course he wants us to purchase him a car, which we would probably do, except for the fact that 3 of his friends who have/had cars, all had accidents in the school parking lot, so we'll depend on the bus for awhile longer.

I'm very proud of Grant, and thank God for his help in getting our family to this point.  I've made a lot of mistakes over the years, and have taken a lot of grace out of God's bank account, but then again, the repayment options are just to love him, which I will do continually.  That's what I call an "Easy Payment Plan".  Oh yeah, and that same grace has changed me over the years, as I have repented, and make the same mistakes less.

Love you Grant, and thank you Lord Jesus...

Interesting Stuff:

  1. This is a great post by Phil Johnson, "BioLogos takes their complaint against Al Mohler to Huffpo".
  2. As usual, Dr. Mohler's posts are spot-on, "Why Aren't 'Emerging Adults' Emerging as Adults"?
  3. Soul-Toons, the guy's pretty good!!

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